Likebit – Application



It connects -for the first time- the digital market with physical stores, as it is both an advertising catalog and a discount mechanism with a cryptocurrency philosophy

Users & Businesses

Join the Likebit Revolution

For Rebel Users

Every like Counts! Install the app for free and link it to your Social Media accounts. With likebit, every interaction (like, love, comment, share) is automatically translated into coins (LBTS), corresponding to discounts at partner stores.

Are you asking for even more? Earn additional coins by watching short advertisements and participating in contests in the specially designed advertising section.

For Rebel Businesses

Get your business online! Don’t be left out of the revolution! Install the app, create your business profile, define the discounts you are willing to offer and increase traffic to your store!

Advertise effectively. Address your target audience economically and specifically by promoting your products and services through the app. Make your communication plan even more effective, based on the personalized data that Likebit offers you, thanks to which you even know how many of users finally reached your checkout!

That's all! The revolution has begun. Now, users and businesses have something to connect them: They're participants in an honest, rewarding deal that benefits everyone, effortlessly!

Our Simple 4-Step Process

Get the app

Download the app for free and link it to your accounts and social media.

Interact on Social Media

Keep scrolling and "reacting" on X, Meta, TikTok, etc.

Reward LBTS

Collect coins from Social Media and ads.

Redeem your LBTS

Go to the partner businesses and get your discounts.

Application Photo Gallery

Contact Us

Still not convinced? Contact one of the revolution coordinators now and ask about what’s on your mind.

Contact Us